JKH wears overall crown at ACCA Sustainability Reporting Awards 2017

John Keells Holdings PLC (JKH) emerged as Sri Lanka’s most transparent company at the ACCA Sri Lanka Sustainability Reporting Awards on 28th  February 2017, held under the aegis of Chief Guest Resident Coordinator, UN Sri Lanka and Resident Representative, UNDP Sri Lanka, Una McCauley.  

In addition, JKH also topped the Conglomerates and Diversified category, while Union Assurance PLC and John Keells Hotels PLC topped the Financial Services and Insurance category & Leisure and connected services category respectively.

Source: Daily FT 01.03.2017

Read More: http://www.ft.lk/article/600574/JKH-wears-overall-crown-at-ACCA-Sustainability-Reporting-Awards#sthash.TpuYsoKi.dpuf

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